Black locust seeds

Black locust is a deciduous tree and one of the most important honey-bearing plants in the world. It is one of the fastest growing trees that is known to people, reaching the height of 25m and range of 50cm. Black locust has a very thin and light treetop.

About black locust (false acacia)

Using of black locust

Except for beekeeping, black locust is also used in carpentry. This tree has many other purposes as it is often used as protection from ground erosion, raising windbreaks and also as firewood because of its high calorie value (2040 kWh/prm). Cultivars have been developed for planting in parks and backyards. Black locust flowers are edible. In traditional Indian medicine false acacia or black locust is used for expectoration, and also as a laxative and diuretic. The bark and leaves are poisonous, while the flowers are not. Its fruit is a bean approximately 5-10cm long and each contains from 5 to 10 small seeds. Black locust is one of the fastest growing trees that is known to people.

How to plant black locust

How to plant black locust
Black locust can be propagated by seeds and root shots. The seeds need to be ‘boiled’ before planting because they are extremely hard. Pour water into the pot and heat it until the water boils, then turn off the gas, and put black locust seeds in boiling water and leave them in it for 8 hours.
After that plant the seeds in the ground or in jars. The seeds only need to be covered with soil. After germination black locust will grow very quickly, so in the first year it can reach a height of 1m. Flowering occurs four to six years after planting. Seeds are sown in rows between which 1 to 2m should be left. Until the young plants get stronger it is necessary to remove weeds and dig the soil around them.
Black locust grows best in areas with moderate climates and on light and dry soils, but it will also thrive on soils of different structure, except for those that are heavy, sticky and moist. As soon as the roots of the black locust reach the moist layers of the soil, the tree begins to get sick. Therefore, it is better to use moist soil for planting ash, oak or poplar.
If black locust seeds are stored in a dry and airy place, we can preserve them for a long time. It will not lose its germination.
Propagation by cutting its branches (plant cutting)
Cuttings from the tree are taken during late autumn or early winter so that they can make a root by spring. Cuttings are placed in containers with moist sand and should be kept in a cool room where the temperature ranges from 4 to 10C. In the spring cuttings should be replanted into pots filled with a mixture of perlite, coarse sand and peat moss. They are planted in a permanent place after reaching a height of 60 to 90cm.

Black locust cultivation and maintenance

Black locust cultivation and maintenance
Black locust has no special requirements it is resistant to wind, it does not need to be fertilized, and once it takes root, watering isn’t necessary. The only thing that is important is that it is planted in a place where there is enough sunlight. It is planted at intervals of 1m-2m.
If you leave it unattended for a long time, black locust will form dense thickets that will be difficult to clear up. If that were the case, it could threaten biodiversity because its spread and lead to the disappearance of indigenous vegetation. To stop it from spreading uncontrollably, it should be pruned during the growing season.

Black locust history

Black locust has been widely used for a long time and it is of great ecological, economic and social importance. After the Second World War, it began to be planted on a large scale in forest complexes and for protection from the wind, along roads, fields and in parks. With eucalyptus and some species of noble poplar, black locust or “false acacia” is one of the most famous fast-growing species.

It is native to the southeastern United States, but has eventually spread to North America, Europe and Asia. Its first appearance was in Europe in 1601. Back then the French gardener Jean Robin brought black locust seeds from Virginia and planted them in a botanical garden in Paris. That kind of black locust (acacia Robinia) is named after Robin, and the name of the species (pseudacacia) comes from the Greek words ak – sharp or akakia – thorny tree, while the prefix pseudo here indicates the similarity of acacia with a real black locust tree.

Edibility and healing properties of black locust

All parts of the black locust except the flowers are poisonous, particularly the bark which is the most toxic part of the tree. Black locust is especially poisonous for horses and poultry.
The flowers contain about 40 mg% of vitamin C and one nectar of the flower contains 2 mg of sugar. Black locust beans contain about 15% protein, 6% fat, 22% carbohydrates and seeds contain 38% protein, and about 13% fatty oil.

In Russia, flowers are used to make wine and marmalade. The flowers can be dipped in pancake batter and fried (just like elderflower flowers). The stem is not edible, but the seeds are considered edible in fresh and boiled state, just like young beans which are also suitable for consumption. A coffee substitute can be prepared from the seeds by roasting them.


Black locust honey
Black locust honey is extremely bright yellow in color with a mild and pleasant smell and taste, light and tasty, recommended for children and convalescents (people that were sick and are on the way to full recovery). Due to its characteristics, it is one of the most valued types of honey. It stays in liquid form for months and crystallizes very slowly, because it contains more fructose than glucose. Bees get through the winter more easily if they are provided with black locust honey during that time of the year. For people it is recommended to take it with chamomile tea, as it enhances the effect of honey and tea also. It is also recommended to take it at night before bedtime.